An update on happenings.
Firstly, thank you to those who have entered the blog giveaway. It won’t be long until I announce the winners but please keep mentioning the giveaway to your followers and fans.
It seems to have come round very quickly, but on Monday I will be off to The Old Vic in Bristol with my two very important guests (that’s Mum and Dad) for the Prince’s Trust Celebrate Success Awards. As you may know I am one of the three finalists for the Business Enterprise Award in the south west region. I am really pleased to be one of the finalists and I’m sure it will be a fantastic day of celebrations and a few tear jerkers along the way. Even if I don’t come away with an award I will still be thrilled with the outcome, because I know how difficult it is for any business to make it, so the winner will go home with thoroughly deserved recognition. There is no tougher journey than going from unemployment to running your own business, it is a strain financially and emotionally, and wouldn’t have all been possible without the support I have had. That goes to my twitter followers too, because throughout it they have been a wealth of information and help and I have learnt so much from trade show exhibitors and designers alike. So thanks to everyone who has offered their advice over the past year. You know who you are!
In just two weeks time, my first ever huge delivery will be leaving the Studio and heading to the warehouse of Paperchase Ltd. This couldn’t actually have come round quickly enough as it has been an incredibly exciting time and I cannot wait to see them in the London flagship store. I’ll be taking a train to the big smoke, just to see it for myself and then sit back, breathe, and enjoy a cup of coffee to take it all in, upstairs in the shop.
On the trade show front next year, I am already booked to exhibit at Spring Fair International at the NEC in Birmingham and Harrogate Home & Gift. Trade shows are a crucial part of the business, a lot of exhausting work, but a great way to meet and greet new customers, release new products and make friends within the industry.
That’s all the news for now, I’ll keep you updated about the awards.
Please keep supporting my products and the online shop.
x x x
Fay’s Studio