A lovely member of the blog community has just given me two awards! The Sunshine Award and the Versatile Blogger Award. It feels really good to have my little blog recognised. I always love the feedback I get and comments under each post, so to have two awards in one go is amazing.

Thank you to Pearletta Wilson for kindly nominating me. Pearletta has been a follower on twitter and my blog for a while, and like me enjoys creativity and card design.
Here is Pearletta’s blog and her twitter page.

The Sunshine Blog Award is given to ‘bloggers who positively and creatively inspire others’, which is really why I write my blog. Not only is it great to talk about what I am up to, and show new products I launch, but it also allows me to encourage others into business, especially creative businesses, so I hope many have been inspired to take the plunge as I did.

The Versatile Blogger Award does what it says on the tin. I guess I try not to talk too much about my personal life, as that can be a little boring, but when things are happening with my business I like to share.

As part of the Award I have to answer some questions, so here we go…

My favourite color is…. It’s hard to single out just one, so here is a link to my Pinterest board ‘Yellow and Grey’ which is my favourite colour combination. I think the two colours are like clouds with rays of sunshine, a suitable metaphor for starting up and running a business in a recession!

My favourite number is… 13. Unlucky for some, but lots of good things have happened for me with this number, it is also the date I first had an enquiry about my cards from Paperchase.

My favourite drink… Coffee. Probably too much, but it gets me through my to-do lists.

My favourite animal is… It would have to be my pet dog Shadow who we sadly had to say goodbye to last year. He was nearly 17, and so important to our family.

Facebook or Twitter? I have to say twitter. It is such a great source of inspiration, news and connects you with people and companies in an instance like no other social network can. It helps me to share news with hundreds of people and to also keep in touch with followers without having to search for fan pages. 

Getting or Giving… Usually I am out of pocket because I treat others rather than myself. I get a better feeling treating others than going shopping for me.

My favourite day… I like any day which involves receiving cards. I love the individual choices and of course as a greeting card publisher myself I spend more time with the card than the gift. Since starting my own business, I also love Mondays. A day I used to dread.

My favourite flower…  Gerbera. What’s not to like, they are so perfect.

My passion… Of course designing, that’s obvious, but I also have a fanatical love for Body Combat, a martial arts work out. You can burn over 700 calories in one hour, and I have never found a better form of exercise.

I have to also nominate some other blogs I follow for the awards. I don’t follow many but there are a handful that have helped to inspire me over the past few years and some which I just think are beautiful.







