Today I am really proud to have an article in the Daily Mail about my greeting card company, it is an honest overview of how my business started. The Prince’s Trust set up an interview with the newspaper and a photographer was sent to get some snaps of me and my products.


The photographer was fun to work with and took some lovely shots of me at work and he also had some inspired ideas of how to capture me with my products which he later sent me copies to share.

Working in my Studio.

Thank you to Sarah Harris, who conducted the interview and showed a real interest in where I was before the Prince’s Trust supported me to where I am now. The article also highlights the Prince’s Trust’s ‘Tomorrow’s Store‘ now open in London which is doing really well, and you may have also noted the revelation that next year I will have some of my products debuting at selected Tesco stores (I’ll tell you more on that news soon).

It’s always a pleasure to talk about my business to others, and especially young entrepreneurs thinking of approaching the Trust for help. I can’t emphasise enough that drive and passion are the most important elements to succeed. To this day I still have ups and downs in the business, striving to balance work and rest. My main advice when running your own business is to remember why you started, there are different reasons for everyone, but sometimes reflecting on all that you have achieved is the best medicine.

Surrounded by some of the products I have published over the years.

Good luck to you if you are starting out in business!

Fay x