As though my nerves could take much more, next week I will be making my way to London to meet up with the Prince’s Trust and Kelly Hoppen at the Microsoft headquarters.

Microsoft, Victoria.

As part of the Prince’s Trust Tomorrow campaign, MSN Her is hosting a live webchat with Kelly.
Later I will join Kelly in an interview where we will discuss our businesses, the Prince’s Trust and all the work and product design we have been doing for the very special Tomorrow campaign! 

This is such an exciting and amazing opportunity, I am so lucky to be involved!

If you haven’t heard of the Prince’s Trust’s national Tomorrow campaign yet, here is the video shot at the launch with all 5 business mentors and their mentees.

You can also read more about it and see more photos from the day on page 14-15 of the Prince’s Trust digital magazine.

The interview with MSN will go out on their website a few weeks later, so I will let you know as soon as it is available to watch. It’s great that MSN have taken such an interest, as the aim is to promote the campaign as far and wide as possible.

You can get involved on Twitter @PrincesTrust #PTtomorrow and Facebook.

Fay x