So, it’s about time I shared my new designs with you that are just launching. They will be available on the website soon.
Every year I come up with one or two romantic ranges, and this year I was tempted to throw in a couple of ‘anti-valentine’s’ as well as my usual romantic ones.

Here is the new ‘Love Games’ collection. A range ideal to send to your sweetheart. All cards are 105 x 148mm and come individually wrapped with a bright orange or pink envelope to match. I had a lot of fun designing this range, most of them are based on a traditional male hobby, some of which are retro and are inspired by my youth growing up with an older brother!

I hope you like them!

‘Snookered’. I became quite good at snooker, competing against my brother and his friends.

‘Bowl Me Over’ Bowling was a birthday treat back then. One year a friend of my brothers threw the ball backwards towards us!
‘Rubiks’ My brother is a puzzle wizard, so the Rubik’s was no problem for him, whereas I would just move the stickers.

‘8 Ball’ Many of my decisions growing up were made by this toy. Actually, I used to just turn it until I got the answer I wanted.
‘Onesie’ I thought these were just for babies, but the adult versions are great.
‘Affirmative’ It wasn’t just the boys that had robots, I had one too. I was a tom-boy.
‘Hanging’ This game used to kill time on a rainy day.
‘Brains’ for the zombie mad.
‘Chips’ an anti-valentine.
‘Monster’ perfect for the monster you love.
‘Grim’ needs love too!
If these cards are right up your street they will be available to buy very soon on the website.  If you are a retailer and would any further information about the range then please get in touch!
Fay x