It has all been a little hush hush, but a few weeks ago I was told that ‘Fay’s Studio’ is being nominated for The Prince’s Trust Business Enterprise Award. I was speechless and really pleased to have been chosen for this award category.
‘Celebrate Success is The Prince’s Trust recognition awards, celebrating young people who have changed their lives and those who have played a part in supporting the work of The Trust.
A series of awards recognise young people’s success in the areas of education, skills development, employment, enterprise and community.’
Just to be nominated for an award is reward enough for recognising how much life has changed for me over the past year. I started out with the idea of turning my talent into a career but The Prince’s Trust gave me the business knowledge and confidence to get started up as a small greeting card publisher. I look back to this time last year, and realise that I couldn’t have got to where I am today without their support and the expertise of my business mentor. 

Visit The Prince’s Trust website to find out more about the charity and how they help to change the lives of so many people.